Pasta, understood as edible pasta, is a product made from flour from different sources,
typical of the various regional cuisines of Italy, divided into small regular shapes intended for cooking
in boiling water and salt or with moist and salty heat.
The term pasta (from the Latin păstam), understood as an abbreviation of the Italian pastasciutta, can also
indicate a dish where pasta is the main ingredient accompanied by a sauce,
from a sauce or other condiment of various kinds.
Main types
Pasta in the world must also be differentiated and divided from a historical point of view, being
distinct fruit of two vast and long-lived gastronomic cultures that have developed and given rise to
these types of foods over the course of many centuries in a wholly parallel, independent and different manner
without one coming into contact with the other; i.e.:
the Italian one (such as the traditional Emilian pastry, the art of filled pasta, the popular spaghetti,
pasta from Campania, pasta from Gragnano PGI, the classic macaroni, pasta from Liguria and Puglia,
Sicilian, etc.) which gradually spread throughout the West and in Mediterranean areas;
and the Chinese one (for example Pekingese pasta, wàhntān, lāmiàn, Cantonese pasta, etc.) is widespread
and known, under various aspects, in most of the Asian countries of the Far East.
Both using different raw materials and completely distinct processing techniques and
without any relation to each other for the preparation, production, presentation and tasting
of these foods. (source Wikipedia)
(selection 2023)