Fax from BBC WEBWISE Television

From: David Crockford -
To: ""
Subject: BBC WEBWISE Television Series: Italy Programme
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 17:51:51 +0100
Importance: high
X-Priority: 1
Direct Line: 44 117 9742157
Fax: 44 117 9237779
Ref: DC/VB

Dear Sir or Madam
I understand from the British Broadcasting Corporation production team responsible for the above forthcoming BBC television series that they would like to use web pages from the website in their programme on Italy. The programme is provisionally scheduledfor initial U.K. transmission on our BBC2 service on 31st May 1999.

I would like to obtain permission to feature some pages from this website in our film on a complimentary basis. It is not yet clear, due to the nature of the series, what pages we may require for our item. Please forward this request to the appropriate person if necessary.
I am assuming that you own the copyright in the web pages on the website including all of their constituent elements (i.e. text, pictures and typographical arrangements). If the rights in any copyright work featured in the aforementioned pages is owned by a third party, please put us in touch, preferably by return of e-mail, with the relevant person or company from whom we should obtain further consent(s).

If these suggested terms are acceptable to you, please sign and return one copy of this letter by post to or fax to the address below as soon as possible.

WEBWISE is a series which will be a travelogue around Europe and the United Kingdom using the Internet. The series presenter will be using a laptop computer to face challenges with help from viewers. As more material will be filmed than can be incorporated in the final programme we cannot guarantee that your website will be used. Further information about the series and the associated internet education campaign can be found on our website and if your site is used in the final programme we will endeavour to set up a link to your site. 

Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely
David Crockford
Assistant Manager Contracts, South
British Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcasting House
Whiteladies Road 
Bristol BS8 2LR
Tel. 44 117 9742157
Fax. 44 117 9237779

I hereby grant to the BBC insofar as I am able to do so, the right to use and to authorise the use of the aforementioned website for all purposes in connection with the above programme or any part thereof in all media now known or hereafter invented throughout the universe, and to the extent that I am not so authorised, I shall endeavour to supply to the BBC such information as is available to me to enable the identity of the person or persons who own the copyright in any material featured on the website to be ascertained. 


Signed: firma-giovanni-zullo on behalf of

Name:     Giovanni Zullo                    Please print

Date :      inviato via fax / sanded by fax - 19 May 1999


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