the Pizza Puzzle series

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The series of "Pizza Puzzle" I am able useful for your business?
Absolutely yes, we make you some example giving some idea; as simple puzzle, can be given as a present to your own clients as gadget (it is possible to insert the name of your pizzeria in the wrappings) if you desire.

They can become under glasses very amusing if they are plasticized.

We can stamp some boxes from delivery the pizza, with cardboard of good quality (personalizing a façade with the name of your pizzeria) if you desire it, in this case you will be supported by the international strength of the mark to guarantee the quality of your pizza.

They can become some playing cards, to play to broom, to trump (typical games of the Italian tradition) etc...

Our agency of publicity has by the way different ideas, that to be prepare, will do also probably a series of musical cd on the universe of the pizza.

conferione-puzzle conferione-puzzle conferione-puzzle conferione-puzzle

Small: diameter 10 cm, 25 pieces
4 boxes (4 different flavors)
Medium: diameter 20 cm.
4 boxes (4 different flavors)
Large: diameter 40 cm, 322 pieces.
4 boxes (4 different flavors)
Excludes shipping charges.

Currently, the "Pizza Puzzle" they are in reprint, you can book them only if you desire it, we will inform not you as soon as they will be ready.


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