

Information for owners of restaurants

Public declaration": the idea and the recording of the international copywright of our Guide: "Where do we Go To Dinner Tonight? - Where Macaws You Going For Dinner To Night?", they are of December 1993 while the insertion of the first tests in internet goes up again to September 24 1994.

As idea is born, the history of the portal.

Positively, the law on the right of author guarantees to our idea the paternity indisputable overnational.

The first initialed international accord has been with the guides Michelin in September 24 th 1994, subsequently we have started different relationships and contacts with other publishers; in Italy; Red shrimp (Gambero Rosso), Express (Espresso), Italian Academy of Kitchen, Slow Food; to the foreign countries different others, in the countries where present papery editions are not we usually start relationship of collaboration with Consulates, national Cultural and impassioned Centers of gastronomy.

This has made our project, the contemporary and future realization of the great teaching that the Guide Michelin has given to the human kind, to have produced the first guide on printed paper that the humanity has had the possibility to consult becoming so a very valid tool for everybody own trips.

To horse between 1997 and 1998 we have required and gotten the authorization by the Relay & Chateaux (international guide to the best hotels and restaurants of the world) to connect through link (= anchors) our portals to theirs.

Our criterions of evaluation therefore they first of all keep in mind some quality of the ristorazione, of the passion and of the professional appointment without which it is very difficult to make well this work.

In perfect tuning with Internet we have chosen to divide Our Guide for typology of kitchen and for natural geographical location. This absolutely makes us only.

To the owners of the restaurants and the chefs, telephonely interviewed by a part of our staff, the last word of worth is up to the insertion in the different typologies of kitchen of our guide.

Internet allows a lot of opportunities of communication. The utilizzatoris of this half extraordinary have the possibility to retrieve specific information on the reality of every single restaurant.

Thanks to the searches from us conducted, we can affirm that the pages mostly visited are those that meet the taste of the "navigator" middle or those that damage a visual support to the written information. A photographic tour that tells the atmosphere of the place mostly stimulates the "navigator" to approach on the spot. The maps make easier the to come true of this desire.

The extreme facility of intervention, rapidity of management of the contents of Internet offers the possibility to propose costs enormously more contents in comparison to those of the paper and of the press.

We are perfectly unaware that the work that we have begun for first in absolute in the net Internet, is binding indeed, in such sense we affirm that we intend to face the matter with the seriousness and the passion necessary.

One of the greatest objectives of our job are that to put in contact the potential client with the refreshing thin to reach the booking of the on-line table, of which we have been the inventors.

Every restaurant, our client, possesses therefore one address of his Internet: " and an address over nazional "" two boxes of mail electronics: "" | "nameofrestaurant@todine" that, they are checked by our employees different times a day, if the place is connected on-line the management of this service is arranged according to the demands.

We have studied a sign glass, of which every restaurant is gifted to facilitate the memory of own address internet and to be able to nimbly communicate to own clients. |

We warmly advise to signal your presence on Internet in the different forms of publicity and communication of the Restaurant.

Our service of booking is managed away telephonely with confirmation mail to the single client, by mail or fax to the restaurant client, for different demands, this service can be managed by a computer connected to the net. We have made by the way different experiments, all working ones, with the potential clients. We think however that is better to use the human presence because it makes the everything, very more professional and in tuning with the job of the restaurant.

Monthly the restaurants our clients receive their statistics of access, street and mail / sets / fax, so that to be informed both on the general course of their site, that on the course of their site in our portals.

To this point better making some examples: what the annual rates are for having a site in our vertical portal.

At this point, better to give some examples:
What are the annual rates for having a site in our vertical portal.

Traditional sites with dynamic actions

Joia Restaurant.
This solution is useful; was designed only for restaurants that have one or more; Michelin stars. Occasionally we adopt this solution as a qualitative highlight of our guide.
a) La Rucola Restaurant. € (+ VAT) private negotiation
This solution meets the needs of restaurateurs who already have; one's own site and want to increase their visibility and the number of visitors.
b) Daniel Restaurant € (+ VAT) private negotiation
This solution meets the needs of restaurateurs who already have; its own site and want to increase their visibility and the number of visitors.
Our company is able to create websites with sophisticated techniques and evolved, in some cases we have made digital films written specifically and appropriately processed for the web used subsequently also the multimedia presentation, tv and cinema.

Dynamic and 3D sites

e) New customizable solution customizable, both in the company colors and in the desired formula.
The restaurant sites are inserted individually in 140 international search engines "in linguage", besides of course Google and other national search engines, therefore ( every single case can be evaluated for other insertions.
All three solutions are equipped with internet booking service. (E-mail) and other services that we explain in the individual solutions proposed.
A great advice. In our opinion, one of the most important parts; important of a site, consisting of the quality of the images contained, (from the photographs above) that as known to many may also be an expensive subject.
Why a photograph always depends on who does it.
This is why our company is; has established contacts with several photographers and studios professionals, selected for the different needs, the environment, the dishes, the personages.
The methods of payment accepted by us are: bank check, bank transfer, PayPal and cards of credit.

About communication

Someone has said: "A good idea must above all make itself known to be used to the fullest to really achieve success and usefulness. "We therefore believe that our presence on the big ones means of communication is indispensable.

How it is publicized and made known in the world "Dove Andiamo A Cena Stasera?" - Where Are We Going For Dinner To Night?: In the internet our guide has countless "links" in the major international search engines: Google / Hot Bot / Lycos / Yahoo / Web Crauler / Exite / Virgilio ... and in several others, in social media network Face Book, Twitter, Phinterst, Instagram, YouTube, Google + others ...

This means that many a large number of people know, use and consult ours guide every day. Dove Andiamo A Cena Stasera? - Where Are We Going For Dinner To Night? "and its Internet addresses are advertised on the most important newspapers and specialized periodicals of the world.

In Italy, for example, they are already there; you leave some pages in the Corriere della Sera / la Gazzetta dello Sport / Il Giornale / Il Sole 24 Ore / Il Manifesto / Il Gambero Rosso "Italian and US edition".

Our advertising campaigns

In the wish to have been exhaustive, reminding you to be attentive above all to the quality we thank you for your attention.

Good day / evening "".

If you want information for the insertion or the link to our guide contact us. Dove Andiamo A Cena Stasera? - Milan (Italy) Via Bartolomeo Eustachi, 15 - 02-62068985 Where Are We Going For Dinner To Night? "- New York (USA) telephone number +39 392 03 03 642 available 24 hours a day.

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